Now a days in newspapers,magazines, Television,Social media a question is arising .A question which has become a wide spread news and has a burning topic . India is the greatest democratic republic country in the world and also one of the few countries in the world who had been perfect example to other world countries in maintaining peace and harmony between religions. In India majority of Indian population are the hindus. Other religions in india have also given priority according to Indian constitution. But this unity was broken when british invaded India. The unity was broken when the british divided the country into two. They break friendship between the two religions who lived in peace and harmony by sowing seeds of hatred and anger.

                                                    What is intolerance? It is a situation in which people of some religious group  ridicules customs, traditions ,values, of another religion and make false statements and opposes directly and indirectly. It is avery dangerous situation in which leads to religious riots and chaos.
                                    There is also another statement to be taken to consideration. Actually the word intolerance originated from we human beings, itself. This happens because no body doesn’t know about all religious knowledge on the religion he believes. There is no religion in the world which opposes another religion. According to Hinduism “ LOKA SAMASTHO SUKHINO BHAVANTHU”, which means everybody in earth always live in peace and harmony. Islam and christanity also resembles this principle only. But how many of Hindus, Muslims, and Christains know full knowledge of their religion. Does all hindus, Muslims, christians know all the values of their religion?
                         Intolerance arises when one thinks his religion is superior and has all values than other religions. A person having such an attitude does’nt recongise and respect other religions. Some of the religious heads and also atheists play a great role in developing and changing the mindsets of people. Politicians also supports these type of activities because they eyes on votes. This will leads to complete disaster of economic policies and social interdependence among people in the country. This will also lead to lots of riots and chaos between peoples of different religions of the country. In this riots and chaos Lot of people become scape goats and are killed. This leads to economic, social, and political unrest in country.This also leads to infiltration of terrorists,and other groups. As a result the economic progress of a country results to decline and leads to destruction of country. 
                                    If a problem occurs there is a solution also. But it is not as much easy. The only remedy to the solution is to create religious awareness among people. Every religion should give proper religious education to children at the very primary level. Some religions are practicing this concept. But some do not . The children who grows  up under this level do not make any crucifications, false statements, do not oppose other religions customs,Traditions,Values etc and attack other sects of another religion. By this they become true citizens of country. All religions must safeguard humanitary rights, values, social rights of people. Religious heads of all the religions should make detailed study and analysis and should discuss problems and solutions of their own religion. They should follow the principle of equality and treat other religions in full respect. Some of the religious heads and leaders brainwashes some people for their will, and  creates religious unrest. Every religious heads and philosophers must encourage their religions and also give right awareness about other religions also. Whenever incidents of intolerance happens the religious leaders and political leaders shoud act immediately. They should immediately take relief measures against the problems and should find solutions to the problems.If a person of his community or religion does a mistake they should not  support him and should take action against him. Things like spreading rumours, posters offending other religions, attacking a person of another religion etc. Religious heads and religious leaders should not make false statements  and untrue things which is not there in holy books.
                                        Another remedy to this problem is that all religious heads, leaders,political leaders should preach the messages of patriotism and make speeches on those martyrs and patriots who had given their lives for the country. By this way we can develop the next future citizens of country. Patriotism must be a syllabus in our schools. They should organize activities to create patriotism among students in schools. This is the one of the best way to reduce intolerance in our country.

   As Some  body told about our country”
“ As India lives”
“How we die”
“ As India die”
“Why we live”
Oh! We hope that never should happen!
